Bionicle Mask Of Light Download

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  1. The island of Mata Nui must face one final threat from the evil Makuta: The Rahkshi. The only hope for the survival of the islanders rests with two Matoran.
  2. You are watching the movie Bionicle: Mask of Light produced in USA belongs in Category Action, Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy with duration 70 Min, broadcast at,Director by David Molina,The island of Mata Nui must face one final threat from the evil Makuta: The Rahkshi.

Bionicle Download (2003 Action adventure Game). Download 10483 Games. Of air, water, fire, or earth using a special mask of power and custom weapon. And find the Toa of Light, who is the only one strong enough to stop Makuta.

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The scene opens up as everything was dark with clouds in the air and that you can't see anything except for four pillars stood silent as birds flew over the pillars until the sun came out shining light on the area. The four pillars were part of a shrine of kind with a huge ciricle in the center. Then a wise male voice came in and began, 'Gather Friends.'

Then some of the sand in the huge circle blew away by some wind created the shape of the island of Mata Nui during that the screen started to decend on the shape. After that the voice continued saying, 'Listen again to our legend of the Bionicle.'

Then the scene changed this time descending to ground level of the shine as strange dull stones were near the pillars in the back one of them was taller than the other six. Then the voice said continuing where it left off earlier, 'In the time before time…'

Then suddenly a strange brownish stone with strange ingravings on it came from the sky and landed with a loud thud sending rocks into the air. While this was happening the voice then said, 'The Great Spirit descended from the heavens…'

The screen soon started circling the stone as smaller stones in groups of four came out of the bigger stone in a lightish green light and started circling the stone like a moon would do for a planet. While this was happening the voice continued by saying, 'Carrying we the ones called the Matoran to paradise!'

Then the screen zoomed in on one of the floating rocks that was floating around the stone. While this too was happening the voice continued, 'We were separate and without purpose.'

Then the smaller stones flaoted into piles of four and they landed on the ground near the larger strange brown stone. Just then the scene changed to the sky which had strange swirl like with three dotes in the center of the swirl as one light from the dot on the right, then a second one of the left dot, and finally a third one came from the dot in the center. While this was happening the voice said, 'So the Great Spirit illuminated us with the three virtues. Unty, Duty, and Destiny.'

The scene changed back to the stone on the ground as the screen circled it again. Then the scene changed again with distant view from the pillars and then changed to a downward view from the sky and changed to a scene with the swirl symbol's center glowing yellow light. As these events were happening the voice said, 'We embraced these gifts and in gratitude we named our island home Mata Nui. After the Great Spirit himself!'

Then the scene changed back to the downward view of the shrine. But then from the sky a blackish red streak came out of nowhere and headed for the shrine as it smashed into the ground creating a explosion sound. As this was happening the voice said, 'But our happiness was not to last.'

Then the scene changed again this time circling the Mata Nui stone as rocks fell from the sky like something had smashed into something. Then the same blackish red streak from the sky in the earlier scene was seen again, but it had slowed down a bit and it descended to the ground. As the scene played the voice then said, 'For Mata Nui's Brother.'

When the blackish red streak landed on the ground it created an explosion which shook the ground as the voice said, 'The Makuta…'

Then the scene changed to a scene with the Mata Nui stone being attacked by tendrils of energy from a larger and taller stone which was black in color. The screen was in a short distance from what was happening as it circled the struggle. Then the voice said and continued from where it left off, 'Was jealous of these honors and betrayed him!'

Then the the tendrils of energy from the black stone forced the Mata Nui stone down as it fell to the ground with an explosive crash as the voice said, 'Casting a spell over Mata Nui…'

Then the scene changed to a scene of the Mata Nui stone with a blue light near the top of it and crashed into the ground with dust and small rocks flying all over the place. The scene changed again as the blue light from the Mata Nui stone disappeared. As the whole thing happened the voice said finishing off from earlier, 'Who fell… into a deep slumber.'

Bionicle Mask Of Light Full Movie

Then the scene changed again this time revolving upwards and the Makuta Stone was glowing with the blackish red aura as stood over a defeated Mata Nui stone as it laid in a enteral sleep. The sound that the Makuta stone was making can give you the willies as a shadow started to expand over the space and over a fallen Mata Nui. Then the voice said ominously as the scene continued, 'The Makuta was free to unleash his shadows.'

Then the scene changed back to the downward view of the shrine with Mata Nui defeated and Makuta victorious over his defeated brother. The shadow started in one spot until the island became black with an orange red electrical energy outline as screen started to decend on the island. Then the voice said ominously as the screen headed for the shadow covered island, 'And unleashed them he did. As another world called Equestria where it is home to organic beings collides with ours!'

As the screen got closer to the island it when into the black shadow and everything became black. Then suddenly the word 'Bionicle' in uppercase and in thin metal golden colored lettering came out of nowhere in a orange red aura which disappeared after the word appeared. Then lettering appeared out streaks of light below appeared in uppercase white bold lettering. The words that appeared were 'Mask of Light' soon as that happened everything soon disappeared in a flash of white light.


Bionicle Mask Of Light Script

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  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 16

Oh it will and it will follow the movie's plot.

I agreed.

Watch bionicle mask of light

Watch Bionicle Mask Of Light

Speaking of which, how is Sonic The Hedgehog 2018 Heroes of the Shining Light going?.

OMG!!! I remember repeatedly watching this movie when I was little!!! Can't wait to see how everything will play out.

Me too! I still have the first movie on DVD too. The story will be strongly based on the movie.

Still working on it, but it's coming along nicely.

Okay, inform me when the next chapter of Sonic The Hedgehog 2018 Heroes of the Shining Light is ready.

*in caveman voice* You write. make next chapter. update story. *proceeds to make ape noises.

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