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What Year Is My Yamaha Golf Cart
Knowing the year model of your golf cart is very important when ordering most parts. First you want to locate your serial # The following is a table showing identification numbers, type and model of Yamaha Golf Carts.
Locating Your Yamaha Model G1 Serial Number:
Yamaha golf carts Model G1 serial numbers can be found under the rear bumper stamped into the square cross member of the frame. Early Yamaha Model G2 serial numbers can be found under the rear bumper stamped into the square cross member of the frame on the passenger's side of the vehicle. From 1988 through 1990 the G2 serial number can be found under the seat where the floorboard meets the engine compartment.
Locating Your Yamaha Model G9 Serial Number:
Yamaha Model G9 serial numbers can be found under the seat where the floorboard meets the engine compartment.
Locating Your Yamaha Models G14/G16/G19/G20 Serial Number:
These serial numbers can be found running vertically just under the glove box on the far left of the driver's side of the vehicle.
This table shows the identification numbers, type and model of Yamaha golf carts. Specific serial number location information for your Yamaha Golf Cart model is listed below the table. Primary I.D. Numbers For Golf Cars & Utility Vehicles This table shows the identification numbers, type and model of Yamaha golf carts. Specific serial number location information for your Yamaha Golf Cart model is listed below the table. GAS GOLF CARS DRA (The DRIVE)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YDRAL | JW8 | JW8-300101 | 2012.5 | YDRAK | JW8 | JW8-200101 | 2012 | YDRAK | JW8 | JW8-100101 | 2011 | YDRAJ | JW8 | JW8-000101 | 2010 | YDRAH | JW1 | JW1-300101 | 2009 | YDRAG | JW1 | JW1-200101 | 2008 | YDRAF | JW1 | JW1-100101 | 2007 | YDRAE | JW1 | JW1-000101 |
| G22A (G-MAX)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2007 | G22AE | JU0 | JU0-400101 | 2006 | G22AD | JU0 | JU0-310101 | 2006 | G22AC | JU0 | JU0-300101 | 2005 | G22AB | JU0 | JU0-209201 | 2005 | G22AA | JU0 | JU0-200101 | 2004 | G22AZ | JU0 | JU0-100101 | 2003 | G22AY | JU0 | JU0-000101 |
| G20A (Concierge)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2002 | G20AX | JR8 | JR8-200101 | 2001 | G20AW | JR8 | JR8-100101 | 2000 | G20AU | JR8 | JR8-000101 |
| G16A (Ultima)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2002 | G16AX | JN6 | JN6-600101 | 2001 | G16AW | JN6 | JN6-500101 | 2000 | G16AU | JN6 | JN6-400101 | 1999 | G16AT | JN6 | JN6-300101 | 1998 | G16AS | JN6 | JN6-200101 | 1997 | G16AR | JN6 | JN6-100101 | 1996 | G16AP | JN6 | JN6-000101 |
| G14A (Ultima)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1996 | G14AP | JN3 | JN3-200101 | 1995 | G14AM | JN3 | JN3-100101 |
| G9A (Fleet Master)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1995 | G9AM | JG5 | JG5-400101 | 1994 | G9AK | JG5 | JG5-300101 | 1993 | G9AJ | JG5 | JG5-200101 | 1992 | G9AH | JG5 | JG5-100101 | 1991 | G9AG | JG5 | JG5-000101 |
| G8A (Fleet Classic)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1994 | G8AK | JF2 | JF2-400101 | 1993 | G8AJ | JF2 | JF2-300101 | 1992 | G8AH | JF2 | JF2-200101 | 1991 | G8AG | JF2 | JF2-100101 | 1990 | G8AF | JF2 | JF2-000007 |
| G5A (Sun Classic)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1995 | G5AM | J50 | J50-500101 | 1994 | G5AK | J50 | J50-400101 | 1993 | G5AJ | J50 | J50-300101 | 1992 | G5AH | J50 | J50-200103 | 1991 | G5AG | J50 | J50-100101 | 1990 | G5AF | J50 | J50-000101 |
| G3A (Sun Classic)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1986 | G3-A | J42 | J42-000101 |
| G2A
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1991 | G2-AG | J55 | J55-200101 | 1990 | G2-AF | J55 | J55-100120 | 1989 | G2-AD | J55 | J55-000101 | 1988 | G2-AC | JA2 | JA2-000001 | 1988 | G2-AB | J38 | J38-071101 | 1987 | G2-AB | J38 | J38-020101 | 1986 | G2-A | J38 | J38-066101 | 1986 | G2-A | J38 | J38-007101 | 1985 | G2-A5 | J38 | J38-000101 |
| G1A
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1989 | G1AMD | J31 | J31-159082 | 1986 | G1-AM | J31 | J31-140101 | 1985 | G1-AM5 | J31 | J31-100101 | 1984 | G1-AM4 | J31 | J31-000101 | 1983 | G1-AM3 | J24 | J24-000101 | 1982 | G1-A3 | J17 | J17-000101 | 1981 | G1-A2 | J10 | J10-030101 | 1980 | G1-A1 | J10 | J10-007705 | 1979 | G1-A | J10 | J10-000101 |
Electric Golf Cars
YDRE (The DRIVE) Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YDREL | JW9 | JW9-300101 | 2012.5 | YDREK | JW9 | JW9-200101 | 2012 | YDREK | JW9 | JW9-100101 | 2011 | YDREJ | JW9 | JW9-000101 | 2010 | YDREH | JW2 | JW2-300101 | 2009 | YDREG | JW2 | JW2-200101 | 2008 | YDREF | JW2 | JW2-100101 | 2007 | YDREE | JW2 | JW2-000101 |
| G22E (G-MAX)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2007 | G22EE | JU2 | JU2-400101 | 2006 | G22ED | JU2 | JU2-306201 | 2006 | G22EC | JU2 | JU2-300101 | 2005 | G22EB | JU2 | JU2-205701 | 2005 | G22EA | JU2 | JU2-200101 | 2004 | G22EZ | JU2 | JU2-100101 | 2003 | G22EY | JU2 | JU2-000101 |
| G19E (Ultima 48-volt)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2002 | G19EX | JR1 | JR1-600101 | 2001 | G19EW | JR1 | JR1-500101 | 2000 | G19EU | JR1 | JR1-400101 | 1999 | G19ET | JR1 | JR1-300101 | 1998 | G19ES | JR1 | JR1-200101 | 1997 | G19ER | JR1 | JR1-100101 | 1996 | G19EP | JR1 | JR1-000101 |
| G16E (Ultima 36-volt)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2002 | G16EX | JN8 | JN8-600101 | 2001 | G16EW | JN8 | JN8-500101 | 2000 | G16EU | JN8 | JN8-400101 | 1999 | G16ET | JN8 | JN8-300101 | 1998 | G16ES | JN8 | JN8-200101 | 1997 | G16ER | JN8 | JN8-100101 | 1996 | G16EP | JN8 | JN8-000101 |
| G14E (Ultima 36-volt)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1996 | G14EP | JN4 | JN4-200101 | 1995 | G14EM | JN4 | JN4-100101 |
| G9E (Fleet Master) Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1995 | G9EM | JH7 | JH7-300101 | 1994 | G9EK/KP | JH7 | JH7-201801 | 1994 | G9EJ | JH7 | JH7-200149 | 1993 | G9EJ | JH7 | JH7-100101 | 1992 | G9EH2 | JH7 | JH7-000125 | 1992 | G9EH1 | JG6 | JG6-100101 | 1991 | G9EG | JG6 | JG6-000001 |
| G8E (Fleet Classic)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1994 | G8EKP | JF3 | JF3-401801 | 1994 | G8EK | JF3 | JF3-400101 | 1993 | G8EJ | JF3 | JF3-300101 | 1992 | G8EH | JF3 | JF3-200101 | 1991 | G8EG | JF3 | JF3-100101 | 1990 | G8EF | JF3 | JF3-000005 |
| G5E (Sun Classic)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1992 | G5EH | J51 | J51-200101 | 1991 | G5EG | J51 | J51-100101 | 1990 | G5EF | J51 | J51-000101 |
| G3E (Sun Classic)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1987 | G3-E | J46 | J46-000101 |
| G2E
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1991 | G2-EG | J56 | J56-200101 | 1990 | G2-EF | J56 | J56-100101 | 1989 | G2-ED | J56 | J56-000101 | 1988 | G2-EC | JE2 | JE2-000101 | 1988 | G2-EB | J41 | J41-053101 | 1987 | G2-EB | J41 | J41-030101 | 1986 | G2-E | J41 | J41-016101 | 1985 | G2-E5 | J41 | J41-000101 |
| G1E
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1986 | G1-EM | J36 | J36-011212 | 1985 | G1-EM5 | J36 | J36-010101 | 1984 | G1-EM4 | J36 | J36-000101 | 1983 | G1-EM3 | J26 | J26-000101 | 1982 | G1-E3 | J22 | J22-000101 | 1981 | G1-E2 | J14 | J14-100101 | 1980 | G1-E | J14 | J14-000101 |
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YT2AL | JW7 | JW7-400101 | 2012.5 | YT2AK | JW7 | JW7-300101 | 2012 | YT2AK | JW7 | JW7-200101 | 2011 | YT2AJ | JW7 | JW7-100101 | 2010 | YT2AH | JW7 | JW7-000101 |
| YTF1 (Adventurer One)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YT1AL | JW6 | JW6-500101 | 2012.5 | YT1AK | JW6 | JW6-400101 | 2012 | YT1AK | JW6 | JW6-300101 | 2011 | YT1AJ | JW6 | JW6-200101 | 2010 | YT1AH | JW6 | JW6-100101 | 2009 | YT1AG | JW6 | JW6-000101 |
| G28A (U-MAX Medium Duty II)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2009 | G28AG | JU9 | JU9-600101 | 2008 | G28AF | JU9 | JU9-500101 | 2007 | G28AE | JU9 | JU9-400101 | 2006 | G28AC | JU9 | JU9-300101 | 2005 | G28AA | JU9 | JU9-000301 | 2004 | G28AZ | JU9 | JU9-000101 |
| G27A (U-MAX Light Duty)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2008 | G27AF | JU7 | JU7-500101 | 2007 | G27AE | JU7 | JU7-400101 | 2006 | G27AC | JU7 | JU7-300101 | 2005 | G27AA | JU7 | JU7-000501 | 2004 | G27AZ | JU7 | JU7-000101 |
| G23A (U-MAX Medium Duty I)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2009 | G23AG | JU5 | JU5-600101 | 2008 | G23AF | JU5 | JU5-500101 | 2007 | G23AE | JU5 | JU5-400101 | 2006 | G23AC | JU5 | JU5-300101 | 2005 | G23AA | JU5 | JU5-000401 | 2004 | G23AZ | JU5 | JU5-000101 |
| G21A (Yamahauler)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2004 | G21AZ | JR6 | JR6-300101 | 2003 | G21AY | JR6 | JR6-200101 | 2002 | G21AX | JR6 | JR6-100101 | 2001 | G21AW | JR6 | JR6-000101 |
| G11A (Yamahauler)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2001 | G11AW | JR3 | JR3-400101 | 2000 | G11AU | JR3 | JR3-300101 | 1999 | G11AT | JR3 | JR3-200101 | 1998 | G11AS | JR3 | JR3-100101 | 1997 | G11AR | JR3 | JR3-000101 | 1996 | G11AP | JJ3 | JR3-000101 | 1994 | G11AK | JJ3 | JJ3-100101 | 1993 | G11AJ | JJ3 | JJ3-000101 |
ELECTRIC UTILITY VEHICLES G27E (U-MAX Light Duty) Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2008 | G27EF | JU8 | JU8-500101 | 2007 | G27EE | JU8 | JU8-400101 | 2006 | G27EC | JU8 | JU8-300101 | 2005 | G27EA | JU8 | JU8-000301 | 2004 | G27EZ | JU8 | JU8-000101 |
G23E (U-MAX Medium Duty I)
Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2010 | G23EH | JU6 | JU6-700101 | 2009 | G23EG | JU6 | JU6-600101 | 2008 | G23EF | JU6 | JU6-500101 | 2007 | G23EC | JU6 | JU6-400101 | 2006 | G23EC | JU6 | JU6-300101 | 2005 | G23EA | JU6 | JU6-000301 | 2004 | G23EZ | JU6 | JU6-000101 |
GAS PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES YDRAPT (The DRIVE PTV) Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YDRALPT | JC0 | JC0-400101 | 2012.5 | YDRAKPT | JC0 | JC0-300101 | 2012 | YDRAKPT | JC0 | JC0-200101 | 2011 | YDRAJPT | JC0 | JC0-100101 | 2010 | YDRAHPT | JC0 | JC0-000101 |
ELECTRIC PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES YDREPT (The DRIVE PTV) Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YDRELPT | JC1 | JC1-400101 | 2012.5 | YDREKPT | JC1 | JC1-300101 | 2012 | YDREKPT | JC1 | JC1-200101 | 2011 | YDREJPT | JC1 | JC1-100101 | 2010 |
Below is a picture showing where the serial numbers on Yamaha golf carts are located. The pictures are a bit difficult to read so we’ve included some written instructions as well. Once you find the serial number, check the tables for the year and model.
Fender Serial Number Decoder
The serial numbers for the G1 Model golf carts are stamped into the square cross member of the frame, which is located under the rear bumper.
The serial numbers for the early G2 Model (1985-1987) are stamped into the square cross member of the frame, which is located under the rear bumper on the passenger’s side.
The serial numbers for the later G2 Model (1988-1991) and the G9 Model are located under the seat where the floorboard and engine compartment meet.
Yamaha Golf Cart Serial Number Decoder Online
The serial numbers for the G14 and the earlier G16 Models are located in the far left corner under seat on the driver’s side.
The serial numbers for the later G16 Models – G22 Models are located in the far left of the driver’s side just under the glove box.
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
Golf Cart Serial Number Lookup
The tables below list the I.D # (serial numbers) along with model information. These are U.S. models only
GAS GOLF CARSYDRA (The DRIVE)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YDRAL | JW8 | JW8-300101 | 2012.5 | YDRAK | JW8 | JW8-200101 | 2012 | YDRAK | JW8 | JW8-100101 | 2011 | YDRAJ | JW8 | JW8-000101 | 2010 | YDRAH | JW1 | JW1-300101 | 2009 | YDRAG | JW1 | JW1-200101 | 2008 | YDRAF | JW1 | JW1-100101 | 2007 | YDRAE | JW1 | JW1-000101 |
| G22A (G-MAX)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2007 | G22AE | JU0 | JU0-400101 | 2006 | G22AD | JU0 | JU0-310101 | 2006 | G22AC | JU0 | JU0-300101 | 2005 | G22AB | JU0 | JU0-209201 | 2005 | G22AA | JU0 | JU0-200101 | 2004 | G22AZ | JU0 | JU0-100101 | 2003 | G22AY | JU0 | JU0-000101 |
| G20A (Concierge)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2002 | G20AX | JR8 | JR8-200101 | 2001 | G20AW | JR8 | JR8-100101 | 2000 | G20AU | JR8 | JR8-000101 |
| G16A (Ultima)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2002 | G16AX | JN6 | JN6-600101 | 2001 | G16AW | JN6 | JN6-500101 | 2000 | G16AU | JN6 | JN6-400101 | 1999 | G16AT | JN6 | JN6-300101 | 1998 | G16AS | JN6 | JN6-200101 | 1997 | G16AR | JN6 | JN6-100101 | 1996 | G16AP | JN6 | JN6-000101 |
| G14A (Ultima)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1996 | G14AP | JN3 | JN3-200101 | 1995 | G14AM | JN3 | JN3-100101 |
| G9A (Fleet Master)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1995 | G9AM | JG5 | JG5-400101 | 1994 | G9AK | JG5 | JG5-300101 | 1993 | G9AJ | JG5 | JG5-200101 | 1992 | G9AH | JG5 | JG5-100101 | 1991 | G9AG | JG5 | JG5-000101 |
| G8A (Fleet Classic)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1994 | G8AK | JF2 | JF2-400101 | 1993 | G8AJ | JF2 | JF2-300101 | 1992 | G8AH | JF2 | JF2-200101 | 1991 | G8AG | JF2 | JF2-100101 | 1990 | G8AF | JF2 | JF2-000007 |
| G5A (Sun Classic)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1995 | G5AM | J50 | J50-500101 | 1994 | G5AK | J50 | J50-400101 | 1993 | G5AJ | J50 | J50-300101 | 1992 | G5AH | J50 | J50-200103 | 1991 | G5AG | J50 | J50-100101 | 1990 | G5AF | J50 | J50-000101 |
| G3A (Sun Classic)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1986 | G3-A | J42 | J42-000101 |
| G2AModel Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1991 | G2-AG | J55 | J55-200101 | 1990 | G2-AF | J55 | J55-100120 | 1989 | G2-AD | J55 | J55-000101 | 1988 | G2-AC | JA2 | JA2-000001 | 1988 | G2-AB | J38 | J38-071101 | 1987 | G2-AB | J38 | J38-020101 | 1986 | G2-A | J38 | J38-066101 | 1986 | G2-A | J38 | J38-007101 | 1985 | G2-A5 | J38 | J38-000101 |
| G1AModel Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1989 | G1AMD | J31 | J31-159082 | 1986 | G1-AM | J31 | J31-140101 | 1985 | G1-AM5 | J31 | J31-100101 | 1984 | G1-AM4 | J31 | J31-000101 | 1983 | G1-AM3 | J24 | J24-000101 | 1982 | G1-A3 | J17 | J17-000101 | 1981 | G1-A2 | J10 | J10-030101 | 1980 | G1-A1 | J10 | J10-007705 | 1979 | G1-A | J10 | J10-000101 |
ELECTRIC GOLF CARSYDRE (The DRIVE)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YDREL | JW9 | JW9-300101 | 2012.5 | YDREK | JW9 | JW9-200101 | 2012 | YDREK | JW9 | JW9-100101 | 2011 | YDREJ | JW9 | JW9-000101 | 2010 | YDREH | JW2 | JW2-300101 | 2009 | YDREG | JW2 | JW2-200101 | 2008 | YDREF | JW2 | JW2-100101 | 2007 | YDREE | JW2 | JW2-000101 |
| G22E (G-MAX)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2007 | G22EE | JU2 | JU2-400101 | 2006 | G22ED | JU2 | JU2-306201 | 2006 | G22EC | JU2 | JU2-300101 | 2005 | G22EB | JU2 | JU2-205701 | 2005 | G22EA | JU2 | JU2-200101 | 2004 | G22EZ | JU2 | JU2-100101 | 2003 | G22EY | JU2 | JU2-000101 |
| G19E (Ultima 48-volt)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2002 | G19EX | JR1 | JR1-600101 | 2001 | G19EW | JR1 | JR1-500101 | 2000 | G19EU | JR1 | JR1-400101 | 1999 | G19ET | JR1 | JR1-300101 | 1998 | G19ES | JR1 | JR1-200101 | 1997 | G19ER | JR1 | JR1-100101 | 1996 | G19EP | JR1 | JR1-000101 |
| G16E (Ultima 36-volt)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2002 | G16EX | JN8 | JN8-600101 | 2001 | G16EW | JN8 | JN8-500101 | 2000 | G16EU | JN8 | JN8-400101 | 1999 | G16ET | JN8 | JN8-300101 | 1998 | G16ES | JN8 | JN8-200101 | 1997 | G16ER | JN8 | JN8-100101 | 1996 | G16EP | JN8 | JN8-000101 |
| G14E (Ultima 36-volt)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1996 | G14EP | JN4 | JN4-200101 | 1995 | G14EM | JN4 | JN4-100101 |
| G9E (Fleet Master)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1995 | G9EM | JH7 | JH7-300101 | 1994 | G9EK/KP | JH7 | JH7-201801 | 1994 | G9EJ | JH7 | JH7-200149 | 1993 | G9EJ | JH7 | JH7-100101 | 1992 | G9EH2 | JH7 | JH7-000125 | 1992 | G9EH1 | JG6 | JG6-100101 | 1991 | G9EG | JG6 | JG6-000001 |
| G8E (Fleet Classic)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1994 | G8EKP | JF3 | JF3-401801 | 1994 | G8EK | JF3 | JF3-400101 | 1993 | G8EJ | JF3 | JF3-300101 | 1992 | G8EH | JF3 | JF3-200101 | 1991 | G8EG | JF3 | JF3-100101 | 1990 | G8EF | JF3 | JF3-000005 |
| G5E (Sun Classic)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1992 | G5EH | J51 | J51-200101 | 1991 | G5EG | J51 | J51-100101 | 1990 | G5EF | J51 | J51-000101 |
| G3E (Sun Classic)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1987 | G3-E | J46 | J46-000101 |
| G2EModel Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1991 | G2-EG | J56 | J56-200101 | 1990 | G2-EF | J56 | J56-100101 | 1989 | G2-ED | J56 | J56-000101 | 1988 | G2-EC | JE2 | JE2-000101 | 1988 | G2-EB | J41 | J41-053101 | 1987 | G2-EB | J41 | J41-030101 | 1986 | G2-E | J41 | J41-016101 | 1985 | G2-E5 | J41 | J41-000101 |
| G1EModel Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 1986 | G1-EM | J36 | J36-011212 | 1985 | G1-EM5 | J36 | J36-010101 | 1984 | G1-EM4 | J36 | J36-000101 | 1983 | G1-EM3 | J26 | J26-000101 | 1982 | G1-E3 | J22 | J22-000101 | 1981 | G1-E2 | J14 | J14-100101 | 1980 | G1-E | J14 | J14-000101 |
GAS UTILITY VEHICLESYTF2 (Adventurer Two)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YT2AL | JW7 | JW7-400101 | 2012.5 | YT2AK | JW7 | JW7-300101 | 2012 | YT2AK | JW7 | JW7-200101 | 2011 | YT2AJ | JW7 | JW7-100101 | 2010 | YT2AH | JW7 | JW7-000101 |
| YTF1 (Adventurer One)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YT1AL | JW6 | JW6-500101 | 2012.5 | YT1AK | JW6 | JW6-400101 | 2012 | YT1AK | JW6 | JW6-300101 | 2011 | YT1AJ | JW6 | JW6-200101 | 2010 | YT1AH | JW6 | JW6-100101 | 2009 | YT1AG | JW6 | JW6-000101 |
| G28A (U-MAX Medium Duty II)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2009 | G28AG | JU9 | JU9-600101 | 2008 | G28AF | JU9 | JU9-500101 | 2007 | G28AE | JU9 | JU9-400101 | 2006 | G28AC | JU9 | JU9-300101 | 2005 | G28AA | JU9 | JU9-000301 | 2004 | G28AZ | JU9 | JU9-000101 |
| G27A (U-MAX Light Duty)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2008 | G27AF | JU7 | JU7-500101 | 2007 | G27AE | JU7 | JU7-400101 | 2006 | G27AC | JU7 | JU7-300101 | 2005 | G27AA | JU7 | JU7-000501 | 2004 | G27AZ | JU7 | JU7-000101 |
| G23A (U-MAX Medium Duty I)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2009 | G23AG | JU5 | JU5-600101 | 2008 | G23AF | JU5 | JU5-500101 | 2007 | G23AE | JU5 | JU5-400101 | 2006 | G23AC | JU5 | JU5-300101 | 2005 | G23AA | JU5 | JU5-000401 | 2004 | G23AZ | JU5 | JU5-000101 |
| G21A (Yamahauler)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2004 | G21AZ | JR6 | JR6-300101 | 2003 | G21AY | JR6 | JR6-200101 | 2002 | G21AX | JR6 | JR6-100101 | 2001 | G21AW | JR6 | JR6-000101 |
| G11A (Yamahauler)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2001 | G11AW | JR3 | JR3-400101 | 2000 | G11AU | JR3 | JR3-300101 | 1999 | G11AT | JR3 | JR3-200101 | 1998 | G11AS | JR3 | JR3-100101 | 1997 | G11AR | JR3 | JR3-000101 | 1996 | G11AP | JJ3 | JR3-000101 | 1994 | G11AK | JJ3 | JJ3-100101 | 1993 | G11AJ | JJ3 | JJ3-000101 |
ELECTRIC UTILITY VEHICLESG27E (U-MAX Light Duty)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2008 | G27EF | JU8 | JU8-500101 | 2007 | G27EE | JU8 | JU8-400101 | 2006 | G27EC | JU8 | JU8-300101 | 2005 | G27EA | JU8 | JU8-000301 | 2004 | G27EZ | JU8 | JU8-000101 |
| G23E (U-MAX Medium Duty I)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2010 | G23EH | JU6 | JU6-700101 | 2009 | G23EG | JU6 | JU6-600101 | 2008 | G23EF | JU6 | JU6-500101 | 2007 | G23EC | JU6 | JU6-400101 | 2006 | G23EC | JU6 | JU6-300101 | 2005 | G23EA | JU6 | JU6-000301 | 2004 | G23EZ | JU6 | JU6-000101 |
GAS PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION VEHICLESYDRAPT (The DRIVE PTV)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YDRALPT | JC0 | JC0-400101 | 2012.5 | YDRAKPT | JC0 | JC0-300101 | 2012 | YDRAKPT | JC0 | JC0-200101 | 2011 | YDRAJPT | JC0 | JC0-100101 | 2010 | YDRAHPT | JC0 | JC0-000101 |
ELECTRIC PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION VEHICLESYDREPT (The DRIVE PTV)Model Year | Model Name | Model Code | Beginning Primary I.D. # | 2013 | YDRELPT | JC1 | JC1-400101 | 2012.5 | YDREKPT | JC1 | JC1-300101 | 2012 | YDREKPT | JC1 | JC1-200101 | 2011 | YDREJPT | JC1 | JC1-100101 | 2010 | YDREHPT | JC1 | JC1-000101 |
Yamaha Golf Cart Models

